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The Andrews Study Bible notes and articles were commissioned to be academically credible, theologically sound, and practically useful. To be academically credible means that the writers who provided the study notes and articles are qualified Bible scholars. They have the ability to present what they know in a way that stands the highest test of Bible scholarship. To be theologically sound means...

6:21 For STEWARDSHIP of material possessions, see Gen. 1:28; Deut. 8:18; Ps. 24:1. On the principle of giving, see Acts 20:35; 2 Cor. 9:7–8. 6:24 mammon. An Aramaic word for “wealth.” In the first century A.D., those who had many possessions were often obsessed with accumulating more and not with sharing (Luke 12:13–21). Wealth and material things were the god and master of their lives. Little has changed since then. Today in our materialistic society, selfish prosperity has become our ultimate
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